Town of Kinderhook Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Kinderhook NY is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan to help guide future policy and long-term planning.

A Comprehensive Plan is an official municipal document, updated every several years, which outlines the specific goals, policies and desired future direction of the community. Once adopted, a municipality must work within the direction outlined in that plan and try to pursue the goals established.

This planning process seeks to invite local residents to provide input on what issues are most important to them and what they would like to see to help shape the plan as it begins to be developed.

But we need your help—a Comprehensive Plan needs to be created and updated using the input of the community—we want to hear your ideas! Please join us at our upcoming public meeting, announced below, to hear different ideas and share your own. You can also submit comments and suggestions here using the “COMMENT FORM” button below.

2013 Comprehensive Plan (Never Adopted)

2000 Comprehensive Plan (Last Official)

Document Downloads

Public Meeting Materials

Presentation Slides (PDF)

Meeting Notes (In Progress)

Informational Boards (Boards 1-4)

Public Comment Boards (Boards 5-10)

VIDEO of Meeting (Opens in YouTube)

News & Announcements

January 26, 2025 - Zoom Alternative for Public Meeting

REMINDER - A reminder that this meeting will also be broadcast on Zoom (viewing only) for those who are unable to attend in person, using the link below. We encourage everyone to attend in person, but understand that is not always possible.

Meeting ID: 848 6273 8728
Passcode: 360823

For added convenience, a video of the meeting is also expected to be posted on this webpage shortly afterwards for those who were unable to attend either in-person or remotely. As always, ideas and comments can be submitted anytime using the COMMENT FORM linked on this webpage.

Once again, this meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26th from 2-4pm at the Ichabod Crane High School Auditorium to collect public input on the future Town Comprehensive Plan. We hope to see you there!


ANNOUNCEMENT - The Town of Kinderhook NY will be hosting a Public Meeting on Sunday, January 26th from 2-4pm at the Ichabod Crane High School Auditorium to collect public input on the future Town Comprehensive Plan. All residents, property and business owners are invited and encouraged to attend.

This public meeting is the first step (Phase I) in a planning process to collect public sentiment on desired future goals, policies and direction for Kinderhook covering a variety of topics including zoning, housing, economic development, agriculture, recreation, natural resources, water and sewer services, traffic, village coordination, tourism, and many more. This meeting is sponsored and organized by the Kinderhook Comprehensive Plan Update Committee, and will be hosted and facilitated by our planning consultant, Regrowth Planning.

Attendees of the meeting will learn about the planning process and be invited to share their ideas, concerns and vision for the community going forward. The input collected at this meeting will also be instrumental in the development of a Public Survey which will be launched in late winter/early spring to solicit more detailed responses on the different topics and ideas identified in the meeting.

While we encourage everyone to attend if they can, this meeting will also be broadcast (viewing only) on Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person. Zoom details will be posted here shortly before the event. For added convenience, a video of the meeting is also expected to be posted on this webpage shortly afterwards for those who were unable to attend either in-person or remotely.

Ideas and comments can always be submitted anytime using the COMMENT FORM linked on this webpage.

This work is made possible in part by a grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway.

We hope to see everyone there!

Upcoming Events & Timeline

Project Start: November 2024

Public Meeting: Sunday, January 26th, 2025 2pm

Public Survey: Estimated - Feb/March 2025

Survey Results Published: April 2025

End of Phase I (Public Outreach) - Early Summer 2025

Beginning of Phase II (Topic Meetings and Draft Plan Writing) - TBD

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of this effort?

The goal of this effort is to develop an official vision document which will provide the Town of Kinderhook with updated goals and strategies to achieve both short and long-term priorities for improving the community. The document will be used by local town officials, community leaders and residents to work toward a common vision for improving the community and will help leverage future grant funding for specific projects which the community supports.

Why is the Comprehensive Plan being updated?

Under New York State law, Comprehensive Plans are intended to be living documents which are updated every several years to reflect changes in the community, demographics, technology and public sentiment. The current Kinderhook Comprehensive Plan is out of date. The last officially-adopted plan was completed in 2000. Since then, a new update was developed in 2013, however that document was never formally adopted by the Town Board.

Who is overseeing this work?

The Comprehensive Plan update is being conducted by our planning consultant Regrowth Planning, with the assistance and guidance of the Town of Kinderhook Comprehensive Plan Update Committee.

How is this work being paid for?

This initial public outreach phase of the plan update is being funded primarily through a grant provided by the Hudson River Valley Greenway.

How can I submit comments or suggestions?

Kinderhook residents, property and business owners are invited and encouraged to participate in the various events which will take place in the coming months, including the public meeting and the Town Survey later this winter. You may also submit comments and suggestions anytime through our online form, using the button below. Comments submitted will be collected and reviewed periodically by our planning consultant and the Committee during the course of the update.