Open House in Millbrook, NY

Participants at the Open House in Millbrook, NY were invited to view a series of 15 display boards providing information and asking for input on a variety of issues related to hospitality uses.

Regrowth Planning was pleased to design and facilitate a sucessful Open House event in the Village of Millbrook, NY, as part of a review of the comprehensive plan for the Town of Washington, NY. Working as part of a larger team led by Community Planning & Environmental Associates (CP&EA), Regrowth Planning is providing public outreach services, including focus group meetings which were completed in December. The goal of the Open House event was to introduce the planning effort to the local community, and solicit early input which will be used to help design a town-wide survey to be distributed this spring.

The Open House was a success, with over 110 people visiting over the course of the afternoon to learn about the project, discuss their thoughts with the consultant team and committee members, and participate in the Q&A boards. The Open House format was chosen over a traditional meeting because it provided a wider range of times for people to stop by, and helped distribute the crowd of people for social distancing.

Participants were asked to interact with more than a dozen different display boards and provide input on different topics, including: visual preference the on size and scale of new buildings; development concerns; natural resources; and the use of short-term rentals. This planning effort for the Town of Washington is designed to collect public visioning input as part of a review of their current comprehensive plan as it relates to lodging & hospitality.


Chatham Public Meeting


We’ve Moved!