Town of Plattsburgh

Regrowth Planning was on the site of the former Clinton County Airport where we are just beginning the master planning process to design a new future for the former airport as a technology park with supporting commercial, residential and open space amenities. As subconsultants to Behan Planning and Design, our team toured the expansive site with the Town of Plattsburgh Planning Department and Steering Committee members. Fantastic views and wide open design options make this an exciting project!

Planners Pointing! Trevor Cole, Senior Planner for the Town of Plattsburgh, points to a location of a potential new access road into the former Airport site which will enable the first phases of redevelopment. Early ideas for the site include the ad…

Planners Pointing! Trevor Cole, Senior Planner for the Town of Plattsburgh, points to a location of a potential new access road into the former Airport site which will enable the first phases of redevelopment. Early ideas for the site include the adaptive re-use of some of the former runways into boulevards with multi-use paths.

Ready for takeoff….

Ready for takeoff….


Williston VT Design Guidelines


Regrowth in Chatham